Ed Tech
Glitter Gals Edu Presentations
👠Apps, Extensions, & Add-Ons, Oh My!🌪️
This workshop, taught by Google Certified Trainers, is designed to help educators use Google apps, extensions, and add-ons to help with productivity and efficiency both in and out of the classroom. Participants will be given an overview of the different capacities that apps, extensions, and add-ons can have within Google Chrome and will be provided with explanations and demonstrations of some of the more popular and helpful ones, based on the presenters’ experiences. Attendees will be shown how to obtain and use apps, extensions, and add-ons through hands on participation on their own laptops or Chromebooks (tablets/iPads are not recommended). Trainers will be available to help participants download and install relevant items during the session so they are ready to use Monday morning!
🖌🎨Oh, the Things you can Draw!
Are you looking for new ways to have your students integrate technology into formative and summative projects? Do you want to move beyond student presentations? Come learn more about the hidden Google App: Google Drawings! Participants will learn how to create several different products which can be used in the classroom to help students visualize difficult concepts. Google Drawings brings learning to life in a fun and creative way!
🔥Incredible AI🔥
Just like the Incredibles, teachers have their own set of unique superpowers. In this action-packed session, we’ll explore how AI platforms can be your sidekick, handling the tasks so you can focus on your superhero mission—teaching with passion and creativity.
Imagine AI as your own personal assistant, designing tools that help with lesson planning, interventions, and school to home communication with incredible efficiency. By offloading these tasks to AI, you'll have more time to engage in heroic classroom interactions and inspire your students.
We'll dive into practical demonstrations and real-world examples, showcasing how AI tools can transform the business of teaching. Learn how to integrate these incredible technologies into your daily routine, boosting your productivity and enhancing student outcomes.
Join us and discover how to unleash the full potential of AI in education, empowering you to focus on what you do best. Embrace your superpowers and let AI handle the rest!
🎪The Greatest (Slides) Show🎩
This session will explore the immense versatility of Google Slides and how this app can provide opportunities for collaboration, creativity, communication, and critical thinking with students. Google Slides is more than a presentation app. It can provide a versatile canvas for students to interact with content and demonstrate learning. Not only will you leave with new tools for Google Slides, but you will also have a new project to take back with you for each of the 4 C's.
☕️Google Tech Cafe
Do you have questions about how to use Google Apps for Education in your classroom? Come learn from Google Certified Trainers who will share tips and tutorials to help you get the most out of Google! Ask questions, learn new things, and determine your Googliness using our GAFE rubric!
Participants in this session will learn practical applications and specific uses for Google Tools for Education to take back to their sites and use with staff and students. These tools will enable administrators, educators, and students to use digital tools in order to become more effective users of technology. The information learned at this session will increase capacities and empower the users to use Google Tools in order to help with the 4C’s: Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, and Critical Thinking.
📘Tell your Story: Portfolios Using Google Sites
Create a purposeful collection of student work that exhibits the student's efforts, progress and achievements using Google Sites. Teachers and students collaborate to communicate to the community the learning taking place within the classroom. Learn how to build a student- or classroom-based website for any subject or grade level.
💻Going Googly for Infographics and Digital Portfolios
This session, taught by Google Certified Trainers, will teach you how to use Google Tools to have your students create infographics and Digital Portfolios as innovative ideas to showcase and assess their learning. This workshop is designed for K-6 intermediate and advanced technology users who are very familiar with Google Drive, Google Slides, and Google Drawings. The workshop can be customized to fit specific district, site, or individual needs and technology comfort levels.
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